FINKlinks + Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where do I find FINKlink codes? FINKlink codes can be found exclusively in Faith Inkubators Home Journals. FINKlinks bring you bonus content for each Journal theme section.
  2. Why can't I listen to or purchase a song? Due to licensing rights, some songs may not be available. If you find a missing song and are interested in purchasing it, please contact us at We can direct you to a source to purchase the song.
  3. Do I need any special software to access FINKlinks? No. All you need is a current Internet browser. We suggest Firefox or Internet Explorer on Windows-based computers and Safari or Firefox for Mac-based computers.
  4. The finkTunes player isn't playing music correctly. How do I fix this? In most cases, you simply need to install the latest version of the free Flash Player on your computer. You can download it here.
  5. I still have questions. How do I get assistance? Please send us an e-mail and and we will respond as soon as possible.
  6. How do I download a video to my iPod?
    • Make sure you have installed iTunes version 7.0 or newer. Of course, your iPod must be capable of video-playback.
    • Save the .M4V file to a location on your computer. Most people do this via the right-mouse-click.
    • Connect your iPod to your computer and open the Apple iTunes application.
    • In iTunes, select FILE >> ADD FILE TO LIBRARY. Browse for the .M4V video you downloaded, then click OPEN.
    • The video should now reside in iTunes under the "Movies" tab.
    • Make sure you've chosen to include "Movies" on your iPod.
    • Choose to SYNC to your iPod. iTunes will then copy the video to your iPod.
    • To play the video on your iPod, select VIDEOS >> MOVIES on your iPod menu..